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orientatin hga

Help Guide Answers

What is involved in new technician orientation?  

New technicians have five days of orientation to cover HR, admin, ops processes and technology, and business development. Additionally, technicians have daily discussions with the Director of Operations during the first month, weekly check-ins during months two and three, monthly check-ins through month six, and quarterly check-ins thereafter.  Ops Guide for more info.

vehicle hga

What type of vehicle do I need?  

Reach technicians own their vehicle and select a vehicle that works best for them. The vehicle must be capable of carrying a technician's parts and transporting rental equipment and bench repairs. They can use their vehicle for personal use. They are responsible for insuring and maintaining their vehicle. Ops Guide for more info.

trip charge hga

What is the trip charge?  

The trip charge is charged for each client service call. The trip charge pays for the technician's vehicle, gas, insurance, maintenance, uniforms, tools, cell phone, and parking. We also have a drop-off charge when dropping off or picking up a handpiece repair.  The trip charge is paid to the technician monthly through Mileage reimbursement submitted through Oasis (non-taxed), as well as monthly through Travel Pay reimbursement (surplus after mileage reimbursement paid and taxable).  Ops Guide for more info.

mileage hga

How do I submit my mileage reimbursement? 

Each technician selects the mileage tracking app of their choice.  This app is used to record miles driven for business purposes.  At the end of each month, the miles are submitted through SM8 Forms for reimbursement.  Submissions entered by the 1st of a month are paid in the first pay period of the month. Mileage submissions after the 1st are paid in the following month.   Ops Guide for more info.

bench req hga

What type of facility do I need for bench repairs? 

Technicians should have a secure, clean and organized space to perform bench repairs. It should be properly powered to test repaired equipment. The space should also have the capability for locking to protect client and rental equipment.   Ops Guide for more info.

uniforms hga

How do I order my uniforms?

Uniforms are ordered by the technician through Lands' End Business. They are provided a URL, username and password to access the Reach store. Each technician selects items of their choice from the store and chooses the logo option they feel fits best.  All upper apparel (shirts, sweaters, jackets, hats) must have the Reach logo. Pants and shoes may be purchased anywhere. Pants should be gray, khaki or black -- no sweat pants, blue jeans or shorts. Shoes should be brown or black and in good condition.  Ops Guide for more info.

phone hga

What type of phone do I need to have?

Technicians must have an iPhone as ServiceM8, our service management software, only runs on an iOS platform. The model must be new enough to load the most recent iOS version, allowing the technician to use all of the functions of ServiceM8.  Ops Guide for more info

parts stock hga

What parts do I stock in my vehicle?

Technicians will work with Director of Operations to order parts needed to stock their vehicle.  A parts stocking list is established to support this process.  Stocked parts fall into two groups: Van Stock inventory - for replenishment, and Expensed Parts. The approximate investment in the stocked parts is $2500.   Ops Guide for more info.

rental hga

What rental equipment do I have?

Technicians will start with one large-chamber sterilizer (i.e., Midmark M11). The technician and Dir Ops will collaborate to make the purchase. Rental equipment needs will determine additional investments.   Ops Guide for more info.

availability hga

What is my availability for my clients?

Generally, our technicians are available for clients M-F from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM. However, as technicians make their schedule and are on commission, they can determine if they are available for extended hours including weekends.  Ops Guide for more info.

urgency levels hga

What are the urgency levels of service requests?

Based on the client feedback and to give our technicians flexibility in building an efficient schedule, we offer three urgency levels from which our clients choose: Anytime, Specific time, and Urgent.  The clients select on ReachConnect the level they desire. Each level has different labor pricing.  Ops Guide for more info.

SLAs hga

What are Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with our clients?

Service Levels Agreements are the commitments we make to clients.  It helps them have confidence in our responsiveness to service requests/needs. SLAs also give guidance and accountability to our team in how will deliver exceptional service to clients. See the Ops Guide for specific info on SLAs.

another terr hga

What happens if a client is located in another technician's territory?

A key element in technician success is the ability to be very efficient in covering their territory's geography. Minimizing travel time allows more time to serve clients. It is also preferable to serve a client with a technician who regularly serves their geographic area. Therefore, it is expected that a technician provides an introduction to a technician that regularly serves a specific geographic area.  Ops Guide for specific info.

reach connect hga

What is Reach Connect?

Reach Connect is our client web "app" and allows a client to set up an account, load credit card information through Stripe (a secure portal), request service, and see completed invoices. It is not an app in the traditional sense: it does not need to be downloaded from an app store, stored on the client's device or updated with new versions. It is the preferred method for requesting service as the request goes directly to the technician, provides a response email to the client and automatically creates a Job in ServiceM8 for the technician.  Ops Guide for specific info.

account set-up hga

How do clients set up an account?

Clients set up an account through Reach Connect at . They enter their office information and are prompted to load credit card information. A client can also get to through our website. Technicians have a QR code on the back of their business card that will take a cell phone user to  Finally, we recommend technicians create a contact on their phone with the set-up link so that they share it with a client. When a client sets up an account a text is sent to the appropriate technician to notify them.  Ops Guide for specific info.

clients pay hga

How do clients pay for service?

Reach only accepts credit card payments using the card the client places on file in Stripe, our secure credit card processor. Until a valid credit card is on file in Stripe, the client cannot request service. If a request for payment is declined, the Dir Ops will contact the office to request the office update their card info through ReachConnect.  If the Dir OPs does not have success in completing payment, the technician contacts the client to update the credit card information. Commissions for service performed are not paid until payment has been completed. 

req service hga

How do clients request service?

Clients request service through ReachConnect at When this request is made, a Job is created in ServiceM8 and allocated to the correct technician. Additionally, an email and text is sent to technician providing the details of the request. The request includes the equipment, problem and urgency selection. ReachConnect also allows a client to select a handpiece repair request. Ops Guide for specific info.

client see hga

What does a client see when they submit a request?

When a client submits a service request through ReachConnect, they immediately receive an email that confirms the request information. The email also tells the client when the technician will respond, based on the urgency level of the request.  

SM8 hga

What is ServiceM8 (SM8)?

ServiceM8 is the service management software that Reach has selected to facilitate the scheduling, completion, technician creation of service jobs. It allows the categorization of job types, the "pausing" of jobs and categorization of the reason, and a process for reviewing and emailing an invoice to the client. Ops Guide for specific info.

sched on phone hga

How do I see my SM8 schedule on my phone calendar?

The capability exists to send scheduled jobs in SM8 to a phone's calendar.  This allows a technician to see scheduled jobs for a longer period of time than what can be seen in SM8 - the next 30 days.  Ops Guide for specific info.

sched req hga

How do I schedule a requested job in SM8?

Once a client has requested service through ReachConnect, a technician can select the Job in SM8 from In Progress Jobs and select a date on time for the job. When the Job is scheduled the technician should email or text the client with the scheduled time.  Ops Guide for specific info.

complete job hga

How do I complete a job in SM8?

Once a technician is ready to perform service for a client, they open the Job in the SM8 calendar. After the Job is started, the technician loads labor, parts, and trip charge. The Job is stopped, completed and finished. Ops Guide for specific info.

create job hga

How do I create a new job in SM8?

Situations occur when a technician needs to create a new Job for a client. Some of these situations include: a Job with a parts request, handpiece or bench repair after the completion of another job, equipment rental, client credit.   Ops Guide for specific info.

job template hga

What is a Job Template in SM8?

Job Templates allow a technician to easily create a Job for a specific situation. The Job Templates have information fields pre-filled with Job Description, Billing and Work Completed. Specific information loaded by the technician in the Job Template can feed a corresponding email template for easy communication with a client.    Ops Guide for specific info.

job queues hga

What are Job Queues in SM8?

Job Queues allow a technician or support team member to categorize a Job that must be put on "pause".  These queues include Jobs that require a bench repair, a part ordered, a client credit, a rental, or an outside repair.  Ops Guide for specific info.

job oen or close hga

When do I keep a job open and when do I close it out?

It is best practice to complete and close a Job if you have completed any part of it. If additional tasks need to be completed that can't be finished during the job, create a new Job. If you were unable to complete any portion of the Job, put the Job in the appropriate queue and re-engage the Job when you are able.   Ops Guide for specific info.

order parts hga

How do I order parts that I need for a job?

To order parts, add the parts needed and quantity on the Job and put the Job in the Parts Request queue.     Ops Guide for specific info.

part not in SM8 hga

What if the part I need is not in SM8?

If a part is not found in SM8, the technician taps the + button and uses Add Part to SM8 Form to enter part info. This will trigger a message to the Dir Ops to create the part in SM8.  When this is done, the technician is notified and they can enter the part in the Job and put the Job in the Parts Request queue.   Ops Guide for specific info.

dealer part hga

What do I do if the part I need is only available through a dealer?

If a necessary part is only available through an authorized dealer, call the dealer on behalf of the client and order the part to be shipped to and billed to the client. In the Job's Job Description field, enter the dealer, part number and quantity, and price then place the Job in the Dealer Parts queue. Leave a note for the client on the Reach whiteboard with the order details and instructions to call or text you when the part arrives. Ops Guide for specific info.

part status hga

How can I check the status of part requests?

To check the status of a part request, look in the queues in SM8. Once a request has been ordered, the Job will be moved to the Parts on Order queue. When we are notified the part has been shipped, the Job will be moved to the Parts Shipped queue. The tracking number for the shipment is entered into the Notes for the Job.    Ops Guide for specific info.

boxstorm hga

What is Boxstorm?

Boxstorm is the purchase order and inventory management software.  Orders for requested parts, replenishment of van stock, and orders for expensed parts are placed with the manufacturer/provider through Boxstorm.  When a technician receives parts in Boxstorm, the items are added to van inventory. When parts are used on a Job, the Dir Ops removes the items from van inventory in Boxstorm.   Ops Guide for specific info.

parts arrive hga

When parts arrive at my home or pick-up site, what do I do?

When parts arrive at a technician's home or pick-up site, the technician will inspect the contents and compare against the packing slip, then receive items into inventory in Boxstorm via the Boxstorm site.  Ops Guide for specific info.

after receive parts hga

What is the next step after I have received my parts?

 If the parts received are for a Job, the technician finds the Job in the Parts Shipped queue in SM8 and schedules the Job.    Ops Guide for specific info.

direct to client hga

Can I have parts directly shipped to my clients?

If a technician wishes to have parts sent to a client where there is no technician visit required, create a Job, add the parts needed and put the Job in the Ship Direct to Client queue. The DOO will order the parts and complete the Job when the parts have shipped to the client.  Ops Guide for specific info.

exensed part hga

What are expensed parts?

Expensed parts are items that cost the company less than $1.50 per unit and are not tracked as an asset in van inventory. Examples include many O-rings and tubings. When these items are used on a Job, the technician selects Misc Parts and enters the quantity used. Misc Parts are charged at $2 per unit. Technicians are responsible for monitoring and ordering their expensed parts.  Ops Guide for specific info.

rq exp parts hga

How do I request expensed parts?

To request expensed parts, within SM8 a technician selects Jobs, taps the + button, selects New Form and Need a Part for Van, enters part info.  The message is reviewed by the Dir Ops who orders the items listed.  Ops Guide for specific info.

parts for replen hga

How do I request parts for my replenished van stock?

If a technician wishes to add a part to their replenished van stock, within SM8 a technician selects Jobs, taps the + button, selects New Form and Need a Part for Van, enters part info.  The message is reviewed by the Dir Opswho orders the items listed.     Ops Guide for specific info.

can't repair in offie hga

What do I do if I can't repair an item in an office?

If a technician can't repair an item in an office, ask if the open Job is only for that item or if other items that are being repaired. If the Job is only for that item, put that Job in the appropriate queue: Handpiece Repair, Outside Repair or Bench Repair. If other items are being repaired, complete the Job and create a new Job for the item you are taking from the office to repair. Put that Job in the appropriate queue. Always send the client an email (from email templates) that confirms an item has been removed from the office.     Ops Guide for specific info.

handpiece rep hga

How do I complete and bill a handpiece repair?

For a handpiece repair, use the Handpiece Repair job template. It ensures the proper information is included on the Job.  Add Parts as they are used. Complete and finish the Job and deliver to the client.      Ops Guide for specific info.

outside repair hga

How do I have an outside company perform a repair?

If a technician is not able to complete a repair, they can send to or drop off the repair at an outside repair facility. The Job should be placed in the Outside Repair queue. Ensure that the repair facility's required documentation is complete. Also ensure the client understands the estimate process. Once the repair facility notifies Reach the repair is complete, the technician will complete the Job and invoice the client.    Ops Guide for specific info.

bench repair hga

How do I handle repairs on my bench area?

If a technician cannot complete a repair in an office, they create a new Job with the Bench Repair job template, send the client an email with the details of the piece of equipment, and place the Job in a Bench Repair queue. When you perform the repair, pull the Job from the queue, record time, add parts and trip charge, complete and finish.      Ops Guide for specific info.

rental hga

How do I rent equipment to a client?

If a technician needs to rent a piece of equipment to a client, they create a Job using the Rental job template. When the equipment is placed at the office, the tech starts the Job and puts it in the Rental queue. When the client no longer needs the rental, pull the Job from the queue, enter the number of business days for the rental in Qty, complete and finish the Job.  Add a single trip charge to the Job.      Ops Guide for specific info.

credit hga

What do I do if I need to issue a credit to a client?

To issue a credit to a client, create a Job using the Credit Request job template and enter the requested information. The technician places the Job in the Credit Request queue. The Dir Ops opens the Job and processes the credit for the client.    Ops Guide for specific info.

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