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Five Reasons Territory Representatives Are Referring Their Clients to Reach

We are incredibly proud of the reputation Reach has across the country in a few short years. We could not have grown to where we are today without some incredible partners and advocates for our company.

In particular, Territory Representatives from supply companies have referred many of their clients to us, seeking a high level of service.

Here are the five reasons why they are sharing us with their clients:

  1. Consistent and Skilled Service: They want their clients to receive great service from one consistent and skilled technician—someone they know and trust.

  2. Reduced Service Issues: They prefer not to deal with service problems themselves.

  3. Account Protection: They do not want technicians from other supply companies coming into their offices if service challenges persist.

  4. Referral Opportunities: They want referrals for equipment sales, and Reach does not sell equipment.

  5. Support for Reach Technicians: They want the Reach technician they know and like to be happy and successful.

We are grateful for everyone who has experienced service with Reach and we are excited about continuing to build impactful relationships in the industry as we push the service industry forward.

If you would like to experience the benefit of partnering with a great Reach technician in your territory, please contact Tina Biersack at


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